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User opinions and reviews for Sports Injury & Pain Management Clinic of New York

Credit Score Upgrade
By Angela Catrops, 06/06/22
I'm excited to share my latest experience with a knowledgeable hacker I've been in contact with. My distant friend helped me while trying to improve my credit rating to buy My Saloon location. My credit was so low (483) and I had about 5 different credit cards that had been charged in the last two months. I needed to remove the accounts from my credit report, but the problem was that they are the oldest cards on my report. I contacted ROOTKITS CREDIT SPECIALIST to help me rebuild my credit, remove negatives and increase my score; they also helped me clear some of the debt on my account. They did exactly that for me in less than 8 days and I just bought a house after that. Here are the contact details: ROOTKITSCREDITSPECIALIST @ GMAIL . COM or  (8155248116).

By George White, 03/23/22
Hello everyone, do you intend on repairing your credit? I know a credit repair professional that can handle it perfectly without issues, and that is TROVIAN CREDIT SPECIALIST, their job is fast and 100% legit. The Judgment, eviction, and bankruptcy on my credit profile were removed, they also cleared my credit card debts within 6 days, they really helped me and I am so grateful to them. I give them a 5star rating for their services. You can message them on: TROVIANCREDITREPAIR @ GMAIL.COM +1 (424) 307 4562. I insist you go for the best

Fix your FICO score and get a house
By George Anthony Chapa, 03/17/22
I saw many people recommending the services of XAP Credit Solution and I am lacking much knowledge about how to better my credit score. I am 41 and have made a couple of poor choices in the past. I'm desperate to have my kids grow up in a home of our own. I needed help that would lead in that direction and XAP came highly recommended. Yes Xapcreditsolution at gmail dot com didn't disappoint, he fixed my credit and raised the score to a very high score of about 812 from low 500s. I was able to get my first house. Thanks to XAP and his team.

Credit Repair Services
By William Regan, 02/25/22
Both Equifax and TransUnion launched investigations of all of my accounts (both closed and open ones). I did not request this. I had no disputes with any of these accounts. Yet, both bureaus put remarks on all my accounts stating they are “Disputed”!! This has wreaked havoc with my FICO scores, as they both keep adding/removing remarks without my knowledge or permission. At one point, Equifax claimed that my mortgage account was closed! I even filed complaints against both with the CFPB, and both responses did not acknowledge this issue. I was really frustrated until and in my quest to stop what is going on in my credit report, I came across a credit repair company called Credit Trinity Care with the email ‘creditscoretrinity@gmail.com’. I did my research about this company and saw awesome replies accredited to their services. After making some commitments, not only were they able to fix my issues, they also improved my credit score to 810. With this I quickly purchased my dream house. I can’t thank them any less.

Special Hacking Services
By Henry Bartley, 02/09/22
I highly recommend Micheal Murphy if you're getting a trusted ethical hacker to help you with hack or clone of your spouse phones or even their social media accounts, like messenger, Instagram WhatsApp, emails, recovery of BTC/NFTs, et al. I’ll recommend to you this hacker with the contact email address, Michealmurphy@ repairman. com/ Whatsapp: +1 (925) 238 2217. He has helped me on several hack jobs since my sister introduced him to me, he's been so spectacular for obvious reasons, I wouldn't want to go into details on how he has helped me recover my cryptos worth over 37BTC, hack my spouse's accounts and even my friends when they gossip. For related hack jobs ranging from accounts hack CREDIT SCORE INCREASE CREDIT REPORT FIX SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS HACK SCHOOL GRADES UPGRADE HACK CRYPTO WALLET RECOVERY and some other relative hack job, just hit him up thumbs up for a job well done. Thanks for helping out.

Quick Credit Repair
By Ben Perry, 01/13/22
On my credit I have the issue of payments irregularities, a credit score as low as 486, background checks, bad credit reports so I can’t condone the hardness of paying up my credit, as a matter of fact I just loosed my job recently, to cater for the kids is another burden on me since I’m a single father of 3, so I called on ROCK BASE when I saw someone recommend him for credit help on a credit blog, the recommendation I saw are all encouraging, I got in touch with him on phone and we discussed about the credit fix and the way forward, he promised to help and will be honest with me, I held his words and gave him go ahead, within three days my credit has been perfectly fixed, no more evictions, bad reports, repos, everything was done appropriately without any cause for alarm, my credit score was also boosted to a very much encouraging limit, I can’t express to you guys how much I’m happy now, I’m now the proud owner of a well-furnished home in DALLAS. This is a year of wonders and miracle in my life. Here’s the email address (rockbase@protonmail.com)

How I hired Hack West to raise my poor score
By Nick Rossi, 01/07/22
I consulted with Hack West Credit Repair (HACKWEST@WRITEME.COM and Whatsapp: +1 (424) 307 2638) late last year when I first started a career in the oil and gas sector. I was hesitant at first like a lot of people may be when considering credit repair services but to this day I’m glad that I decided to trust them with their services and knowledge. I was irresponsible with my credit in my early to mid-twenties. There I was in my late twenties making good money but my credit wasn’t up to enough and I realised that it was time to do something about it. They took care of my credit quickly and kept me up to date with everything that was going on along the way. They coached me on the dos and don’ts during the credit repair process and I followed. It felt great to start over to work on building a strong credit history. I had a great experience and learned a great deal with Hack West and honestly wish I had gone through with the services sooner than I did. I strongly recommend Hack West Credit Repair to anyone out there that may be considering fixing credit. You won’t be disappointed and you’ll thank yourself later.

Hire a hacker to fix your credit
By Jess Moreno, 12/30/21
I once saw a comment on giffgaff about XAP CREDIT SOLUTION and how they helped a certain Noah Davidson, I became curious and wondered if they could help me fix my poor Credit and eliminate bad debts. Well with my fingers crossed, I gave them a try, eventually they fixed my Credit and gave me a reason to smile and be happy again. They removed the bad records on my report and raised my score to 791, here is their email address; (X A P C R E D I T S O L U T I O N @ G M A I L . C O M) Thanks

By Darrin Adams, 12/29/21
Hello season greetings friends. My name is Darrin Adams. I know lot of us must have fallen for different rippers I was a victim, I lost my whole savings and even got into debt because i needed to fix my credit report These scammer took advantage of me, it got worst to the extent i had to open up to my friend at the office. So he referred TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR to me I contacted them and asked if they could get my credit report fixed they said yes I explained to them about the issues relating to my report and after that he collected some info about me and within 7 days. They did a massive job on my credit report i can proudly say my life has really change, my advice to you out there whom might have lost cash to these faker hackers to stop and go for the best. Hit them up now TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM CALL +1 (424) 307 4562 and be happy. You can count on them.

Credit fix
By Joe Shaver, 12/29/21
This was the first time we ever buy a house and first time I get a mortgage. Never thought that we could get a loan for a home until I spoke to West via H A C K W E S T @ W R I T E M E . C O M and explain about our credit situation. West assured me of getting my credit fixed as well as raising my score which he did. All the worries that we had when I first started the process quickly disappeared within the first few days we spoke to West. He was very professional and on time in everything that he promised. If I recall correctly, the whole process took about 9 days. Compared to what some of my friends had with other companies, this was a breeze. I strongly recommend using Hack West Credit Specialist for your credit fix, chex system, DUI fix, et al.

Best Credit Repair Services
By Jeffrey Albert, 08/31/21
I have been on a bad credit my whole life (48 years) due to bad or stupid choices on my part, my credit was somewhere near 560. My girlfriend and I decided to buy a house but when we went to see a mortgage broker she told us it would be impossible to get a mortgage with my credit score and referred me to this company (TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR) I called them that same day and they are very professional and insured me they could help me, well in less than 6days later my credit score went up to 800 they also cleaned up my report including the bankruptcy WOW....these guys are ROCKY. Contact them now for reliable credit repairs: TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or call +1 505 926 3648. My girlfriend and I are now happy home owners.....

Credit Gurus
By Jerry Williams, 08/24/21
Several years ago I had a lot of things go bad in my life and I was over whelmed and in Debt, I struggled living week to week. I paid what I could and ignored my credit report HUGE MISTAKE. Thanks to TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR whom I found on a credit blog, they worked together to build up my credit report. It's hard to find a company who can fix your credit and paid off your debt but Trovian did that, they cleared everything on my report and most of all they inspires me with a wonderful score of 803 and turned my life around and gave me a better life. So you can as well hit them up for credit solutions through their contact details TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM 505 926 3648. Thank you Trovians you guys are the best...

By Coleman Justin, 08/13/21
I personally only had 2 things to be removed off my credit report, as I see some people had good reviews about TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR, I don't see how unless they were made up. Mine was simple because I had couple of things that needs to be removed I was concern about my credit, so I contacted Trovian Teams and they understand my concerns about my credit issues and went ahead with the repairing process in less than 5days the credit bureaus stated they have validated the correction on my credit files with a high score, the issues I needed removed and I got approved for my first home purchase. They are good in fixing credit issues and I will like everyone out there to contact them now TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM/ +1 (505) 926 3648.

Rebuild Credit Report
By Douglas Keener, 08/10/21
Hacknet Credit Specialist did not only helped me with repairing my credit report, he walked me through each step and provided me the proper guidance. My score improved from 515 to 799 in all bureaus. He wiped out all the collections, eviction, medical bills, car repo and cleared all my credit card debts. I had always heard negative things about credit repair companies but HACKNET and his Team put all of my worries to rest. I greatly appreciate all of your works and would highly recommend him to those who might need his services to hit him up via HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM +1 (949) 397 8437. Cheer!!

By Billy Louis, 08/03/21
The aftermath of my encounter with TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR will be agelessly appreciated after checking an updated copy of my credit report and seeing that my score has moved drastically from 504 to 810 and all negative entries bank judgment, student loans, collections. What a great services from TROVIANS who I contacted on TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or text them via 505 926 3648. Please do well to reach them out if you need their assistants as well. Thanks

By Maya Allison, 08/01/21
I want to be appreciative to Skyplus760 credit solution company for the help they gave to me last month, i had a lot of negative items on my report, such as hospital bill, 7 evictions, 13 collections, bankruptcy and a lots of had inquiries/ late payment, i saw some positive reviews about his services on reddit. I was convinced to contact him to see what he can do, he told me not to be skeptical of this process, and however he was so kind and professional in his job. After 7days, my credit score skyrocketed from 450 to 799 excellent score, all my negative items were cleared from the system. And he is currently working on my husband’s own now, i told myself never to keep quiet, that I must let the world know that he is a professional in the field of hacking. You can contact them via: SKYPLUS760 CREDIT SOLUTION AT GMAIL DOT COM and thank me later...

Fix Credit
By Frank Walker, 07/29/21
Need Credit Repair Help? Then contact (Troviancreditrepair@gmail.com +1(505) 926 3648). Their services are excellent they will help remove all negative items, foreclosure, tax liens, bankruptcy criminal records, DMV, credit card debts, late payments and loans. I’m a living testimony of their great services and I’m also recommending them to people out there you might desperately in need of credit help to as well hit them up and get a better credit report.

By Jordan Holland, 07/22/21
I was nervous at first with working with TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR but now I am superb happy that I gave them a chance, this company is the best and I will recommend anyone to contact TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM/ or text them on 505 926-3648 if there needing to get your credit fix. They cleaned up all bad items relating to my report and gave me an excellent credit profile with a good credit score of 810 and I got my mortgage approved. Thanks Trovians again for everything. You guys are Great indeed.

Credit Solution
By Angela Ruben, 07/19/21
Greeting’s everyone my name is Angela from New Jersey I was in the hospital few months back after a terrific accident. When I came back I found out that my score has drowned down to 470 due to the medical bills and collections. I was surprised because I pay my bills on time, this made me not to get approved for the loan I applied for and I was desperately in need of it, So I sort out on the internet for a solution then I saw some good reviews about a credit Guru called HACKNET. I contacted him and told him about my credit report, if there is any hope of getting this done and he said yes and went ahead with the job. I was surprised when I got notification from Experian that changes has been made on my credit report in just less than 6days that he started the job. If you need solutions regarding your credit issues please contact him via: Email: HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM PHONE: +1 (949) 397 8437

Credit Rebuild
By Harry O'Neill , 07/07/21
Sometime last month, I was reading an article on medium and I came across a comment about a group of Hackers (Metronet Credit Solution) who could increase credit score to 750 and above, it caught my attention because I had a very poor credit score, I needed a car for my family and a better house too. But I couldn’t because my credit was in shambles, so contacted them for fix, and they helped me fix my credit. They cleared the negative reports, and increased my score. They did all these in less than 13 days. I never thought this was possible, you can reach out to them via; EMAIL: metronetcreditsolution@gmail.com/ PHONE: 205 518 3032. Thank me later.

By Frank Wilson, 06/27/21
I was unable to refinanced my home due to my bad credit report that gave me restless mind I had to send my family to stay with my sister, while I look for solution to my problems. I had late payment bankruptcy student loans tax liens some collections, 3 closed accounts and lot of inquires all these toke me time to work on but when I got in touch with TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM 505 926 3648 from an old friend of mine they did a marvelous work on my credit I couldn’t believe it until I got a mail from Experian regarding changes on my report and when I checked my creditkarma everything was totally cleaned up it toke them just 96hours to fix my credit, I got a new job and also bought a home of my choice brought my family back I also got approved for the Capital One card. All thanks to Trovian. You can as well reach them with the above info if you need your credit to be fixed. They’re the best

By Jerry Freeman, 06/18/21
My score was 504 in all bureaus as you can see I cannot get anything at all due to being immature just few months back. I had a few negatives; I had an IVA, with some loans and also credit cards debts. I went online and found this credit company called TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR on a Google search with no doubt I mailed them via TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or (505) 926-3648. After 6days they deleted the negative items on my credit report I got relief from all debts and loans my score increased to 798 excellent making me the happiest man I also got qualified for my home purchase. God bless Trovians and their entire Team of specialist. I strongly recommend them for you out there if have any similar issues.

By Grace Donald, 06/07/21
Hello my name is Grace Donald, Last two months ago l applied for a loan to boost up my business l was rejected, because I had a low credit profile 505, I almost lost with no hope until l ran to an old friend i explained my problems to him and he introduced me to a professional hacker called KMAX CYBER SERVICE COMPANY who helped him fix his credit. I had no choice and l decided to give him a try and he helped me to raise my credit score to 817 excellent score and removed all negative items on my profile. I had a bet with my friend l was going to reveal the hacker to the world if he should fix my credit score. I recommend you contact him for any kind of credit issue. He is the best at the moment. Contact him via Kmax Cyber Services At Gmail Dot  Com Or Call  717   603   7485). Give him a try you could be the next to share your own testimony to the world as well. Cheers!

The best clinic
By Elizabeth Torres, 06/01/21
Dr Melepura and his team are absolutely amazing. I ended up at their office after many doctors had given up on me as they couldn’t figure out how to help with my debilitating knee pain. He is genuinely passionate about what he does and it shows on the level of care he provides. He always took time to listen to my concerns and provided great advices as well as several treatment options. I’m very grateful I found them.

By Stephanie Measner, 05/21/21
ROOTKITS CREDIT SPECIALIST has done a great job. I worked with many credit companies that made promises to restore my credit score but never made this happen, it was just nightmare “BIG MISTAKE”. All thanks to ROOTKITS CREDIT SPECIALIST. They raise my credit score in 9days, I was skeptical, but gave them a try. Rootkits credit specialist was professional and kept me informed in every step just to calm me down because I didn’t want to lose a dime to these scammers anymore. I was astonished when he asked me to check credit score again, to my greatest surprise my score has been raised to 801, eviction, bankruptcy, credit card loan cleared. 5 STARS to this company for excellent score. Contact them via: rootkitscreditspecialist @ gmail . com / call 760 474 3440

I’m Walker Rebecca from Georgia I had a credit score of 320(Transunion)410(Equifax) in January. I applied for a surgery loan in March and was not approved because of my low FICO score. I contacted my loan officer and he told me that I need a score of 700-805 to get qualified for the loan and I was desperately in need to get my score boost because I had to do the surgery at that time. I began to search the internet for a good credit specialist to help me fix my report. Then I saw a wonderful recommendations of a good credit agencies on the internet called ROOTKITS CREDIT SPECIALIST so I contacted them they promise to finish my work within 9days of work, but they exceeded to 14days of work, the most significant thing is mine has been raised to 805 across all 3 bureaus and they also added affirmative tradeline, my loan has approved within a week I still have my score at 800 because it’s a permanent hack. I’m so happy I found this credit Agency and I will recommend them to anyone out there who is greatly in for their services as well contact via : rookitscreditspecialist @ gmail . com and call: 760 474 3440.

By Heffner Dalgarn, 05/14/21
Hey I’m Heffner Dalgarno a truck driver here in Florida, I contacted ROOTKITS CREDIT SPECIALIST after my truck broke down and I just needed a loan to get a new truck. Darwin spoke so much about ROOTKITS and I didn’t have any doubt than to work with him. Few days after I made some financial commitment ROOTKITS increased my Vantage score to 780 and MY FICO score to 800 respectively. He also added some positive tradelines and cleared the negative reports from my credit. He went ahead to establish a very good business line of credit for me, which gave me access to huge loan. You can contact ROOTKITS via rootkitscreditspecialist @ gmail . com or 760 474 3440. Let him know Heffner referred you.

boost your credit
By HECTOR RAF, 05/03/21
Permit me to share my experience with the world last month here. I had a very bad credit score; I was also listed under debt review and multiple accounts in arrears. I was desperate to get help with clearing my name and boosting my credit score and when I was surfing here for help, I read a great review of kmax cyber services, which prompted me to write him for help on KMAX CYBER SERVICES AT GMAIL DOT COM and 717 603 7485, miraculously in less than 92 hours , my sad situation turn around for good. Debts paid off and score increased with over 360points. He’s the real deal now at the moment.

By Michael Glenn, 05/03/21
I review this service in appreciation to this great credit specialist JERRYLINK CREDIT GROUP I can’t stop thanking them for the good job they did on my credit. I had been suffering from financial bondage until I met them. They promised to turn my situation around and they kept their promise. Every negative item on my credit report (Hard inquiries, late payments, credit card debts and charge-off) cleared and my score raised within 12days. Contact info Email: jerrylinkgroup @ gmail . com / 916 888 4118

This place is awesome.
By Henry , 08/09/19
This place is awesome. Febin Melepura and his staff are great. Really smart and really knowledgable. Thank you!!!




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