Volver a Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc.

Opiniones de usuarios y revisiones para Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc.

por Jason Pollack, 10/06/23
I am 27. Got my first. Credit cards at 18. was approved a car off of the Toyota lot 7 months later with no cosigner... Being young and dumb, I maxed out all of my cards and had to go through a rebuild process in 2018. At that time, I studied these forums, had late payments and collections removed and was given a 15k AMEX card at 22!! I was making a lot of money at the time and again, was spending stupidly. From then on, things only went downhill. Long story short my AMEX was charged off and still reports every month as a charge off. I needed help getting this off my credit because it has shot it down so much!!! Until last month when I came across a review on this forum about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST a credit reform company. I decided to give them a try. 6 days after we reached an agreement and I met the requirements which obviously wasn’t much. My profile was totally repaired. Now my score is 806. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Reach them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM  

por james robert, 10/31/22
All thanks to PARAGON CREDIT SOLUTION for the great job done. I was in need of a good credit hacker to help Me fix my credit score, 2years ago I messed up with my credit profile, due to low income, And I needed of buy a new car for my lovely wife, I was introduce to this company by my father in-law, who told me they're specialist in hacking and very fast too, I contacted them on their email address , and they asked me some necessary information and promise to get the job done within minimum of 5 working days. To my greatest surprise they remove all negative items and raise my credit score to 806 across beuaries, I was able to purchase a new car for my wife. you can also write them on any kind of hacking jobs they are 100% secure and fast. Hit then up via: paragoncreditsolution@gmail.com and be ready to share your own testimony too Cheers...

por jollina david, 10/29/22
I came across so many reviews about PARAGON CREDIT SOLUTION for the great job they are doing. And I really need a good hacking company to help Me and my husband fix our credit. 4 years ago we messed up our credit report due to low income. I contacted them on their email address , and they asked us for the necessary information and promised to get a job within a maximum of 6 days. To our greatest surprise in less than 5 working days they remove all negative items and also raise our credit score to 806 across board. You can contact them on paragoncreditsolution@gmail.com . They are the best hacking company I have come across.

por Turner Bowman, 09/10/22
4 years ago, I was freshly clean from heroin, and had just gotten out of jail, a state away from everything and everyone is ever known, only had the clothes on my back, an expired ID in an otherwise empty wallet, and was looking at a credit score around 520. Married, 2 years old, middle management at a fortune 50 Corp. Thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who came as an angel for me and fixed my credit score within 5 days, negative items, credit card debt and hard inquiries has been removed and resolved and I’m happy now because it really helped my FICO score got increase to 819. I’m going to apply for an AMEX. It’s something I’ve wanted to get for years, a big goal I’ve been working towards, (that and buying a house). And I finally am comfortable enough with my score to pull the trigger on it. Thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST I’m really proud of them right now. You can reach via: pinnaclecreditspecialist@gmail.com / +1 585 466 4373.

Bad Credit Overhaul
por Tamika Olivera, 04/12/22
The criminal record on my credit deprived me of so many opportunities alongside 19 hard inquiries and about 15 derogatory items which messed up my report and lowered my credit score to low 544(TransUnion) 523(Equifax) 515(Experian). After my mum told me about REMOTE REPAIR. I reached out immediately and complied with the proposal, after about five days I was asked to pull my report to confirm the job has been done. Yes...... My score is now 801 across the 3 credit bureaus and all of those things removed. I strongly recommend them to anyone who’s in need of a credit fix. Email on: R E M O T E R E P A I R at C L E R K DOT C O M

por carmen cartel , 03/17/22
It's a very long story but I'm will try to make it short cause I still wonder how it happened. I contacted ACE CYBER GROUP concerning my credit score they requested for all my details and I provided it immediately. They told me to be calm and hope for good results. After 48hours they increased my credit score from 450 to 780 and 5 days later they removed all negative items. I must confess that they are nothing but the best out there. Thank you one more time for your amazing service. For those interested can also contact them on all your credit related issues via ACECYBERGROUP@GMAIL.COM

thank me later
por william daniel, 02/05/22
I was introduced to ACE CYBER GROUP by my family Pastor, about there credit services; and I emailed them requesting for help then not up to three days, I started seeing some improvement on my credit report as my score went up from 458 to 803 excellent score they also removed all negative items on my credit report without any physical contact. You can also email at ACECYBERGROUP At GMAIL DoT COM they are highly recommended.

por Rich Pablo, 02/04/22
Wow!!! This Is wonderfully Brought To Pass, they made it happen by turning my tears to joy with their help i was able to acquire a Home Equity and they also helped me pay off my credit card debt and raise my wife’s credit score to 809 excellently. They are professional Hackers. I can't just stop thanking them for their great job which i can never forget. They deal with all Other Related Services!!! Like removing of bankruptcy, criminal background and so much more kindly Contact them on now if you have issues relating to your report: TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM you can also call +1 (424) 307 4562. Thanks and remain bless.

por Patricia John, 01/29/22
I just want to write a review to express my gratitude for all the work PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST has done for me in correcting my credit issues. I was not sure that I was getting myself into when I spoke with him some month ago…I did not think he could get my credit fixed and also increase my limit, as soon as he did. By using PINNACLE services, they cleaned up my credit to the point where I can be qualified to purchase a home as an “A” paper borrower!! Absolutely amazing!!! PINNACLE took my bad credit with bad FICO score of 430 and pushed it to 803!! Oh, and let you know I recently applied for a car loan and I was approved. I got a good rate and the vehicle I wanted. I could never even think that this could happen as soon as it did. Thanks a MILLION. I have been telling all my friends and colleagues about PINNACLE, they deserve a ton of recognition for what they do. Hopefully this will assure others to trust their services and let them do what they do best; you can easily contact PINNACLE by emailing: pinnaclecreditspecialist@gmail.comand for text: +1 (585) 466 4373.

Credit fix
por Elizabeth Flores, 01/28/22
I totally recommend XAP Credit solutions (xapcreditsolution @gmail dot com), we had been struggling with buying a home for 2 years and no matter how good my income was, my credit was poor due to bad decisions I made when I was younger. We are extremely happy to say we got our first new home and also a new vehicle… I want to thank XAP and his team for helping my husband and me fix our credit, boosting our score and even recommending us to the loan officer for our house, yea I got a great deal with a very low interest rate... I will continue to tell everyone about XAP as I am super satisfied with everyone’s service. They were so nice to me each encounter ❤

best credit repair
por Mercy Lawson, 01/27/22
I must say this is the fastest way to rebuild your credit score through this reliable special company TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR I got divorced 5 years ago and it has been terrifying ever since. My ex let our house be foreclosed after I moved out, I had a credit score of 580, earn $80k and more than $3,000 in debt. I needed to get approved for a home loan in Texas. But I was turned down by a lot of companies due to poor credit. Then I got referred to TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM OR PHONE +1 (424) 307 4562 by a realtor. I saved their contact and mailed them for score increase .After making payments for the job my credit was cleaned and my score was increase to 799plus in less than 7days. This filled me with so much joy. I wish I contacted them earlier I wouldn’t have suffered to restore my credit. Quickly contact them on the above details if you require your credit fix.

por Van de mars Franke, 01/24/22
Hello everyone, This is for everyone seeking  RECOVERY OF STOLEN CRYPTO COINS, RECOVERY OF ANY LOST FUNDS TO ONLINE SCAMS , RECOVERY OF CRYPTOCURRENCY LOST  TO REAPERS IN FOREX TRADES AND BINARY OPTIONS This is for persons seeking to recover all of their lost funds to online scams ,  ,  con tact address--> QUADHACKED@GMAIL .  COM for successful recovery and thank me later. I had my blockchain wallet spoofed by merciless s cams, due to lack of 2FA authorization, they were able to get away with 4.0147BTC from my wallet , this made me very sad and depressed as i was desperately in need of help , i made my research online and came across a very credible and reliable recovery agent on the internet  with the adr. QUADHACKED@GMAIL . COM .  The hack agency helped  me recover all I lost and also revealed the identity of the perpetrators , that's why I'm most  appreciative and also sharing contact addr. For anyone in a similar situation seeking to recover funds lost to online scams , contact the recovery specialist with the address above .

Best Credit Solution
por Melissa Tyler, 01/17/22
SKYLINK did a great job helping us achieve our goals. Our credit is in a critical condition which prevented us from getting approved for home loan. Reaching out with SKYLINK CYBER SERVICES he boosted our score to 802 and also cleaned up the debts of $94,034 and all the derogatory marks like hard inquiries, collections, bankruptcy and late payments on my credit report were deleted permanently. His appreciated. Contact him on SKYLINKCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM

por Flourish Raymond, 01/15/22
I got married last year my husband and I are planning on getting a new house but our credit scores were low and I also had a lot of credit card debts. I spoke to a friend about it who happens to be a tech guy and he refers me to TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR. I contacted him and he helped my husband and I raised our credit scores to 800 and he also helped me clear my credit card debts with other hard inquires he noticed. He is the best. His so perfect and kind hearted. Now we can buy any home of our choice. He's affordable get him to help you fix your credit. EMAIL TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM CELL +1 (424) 307 4562

Reliable Credit Repair
por Coleman Wick, 01/11/22
Like many others, my credit score was recently impacted due to the current economic crisis. SKYLINK was able to help come up with a plan. His plan was perfect and also give me a better life by increasing my score to 803 also deleted all the negatives on my credit report. Luckily purchased a new home for my wife and my kids. Gladly appreciated. Contact him through email SKYLINKCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM

Trusted Credit Repair
por Aaron Michael, 01/10/22
Extremely satisfied by the service of JEFFCLOUD CREDIT SOLUTION. My credit was in a critical condition for some couple of years now, struggling to fix my credit but all to no avail reaching out with JEFF was amazing, within 9days interval he cleaned up my debts of $83,210 also deleted all the derogatory marks on my credit report with an excellent score of 800+ across the bureaus. Finally got approved for home loan. Reach out with him on JEFFCLOUDCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM/ WhatsApp +1 (213) 315-3010

por Antony Austin, 01/08/22
Lexington Law is a huge rip-off scam. They tell you that they will fix your credit; they make big promises to get you to sign their contract. You pay the monthly due as instructed and get nothing in return. I used them for about a year and my credit scores rate went down. I had a very sick child and had a lot of medical collections and hard inquiries. I was young and dumb back then. I got across TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR they are genius, get through with them today and you will be glad you did. TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM OR CALL +1 (424) 307 4562 He saved me from Financial ruins and bankruptcy...they deleted all the hard inquiries ,collections, derogatory on my credit report and then proceeded to improving my credit score to 800's

por Daniella Clifford, 01/04/22
I applied for a house and car loan about a couple of months ago. I was rejected because i had a very low score of 503, it was really frustrating and it pulled me down until one of the realtor refer me to a credit specialist that helped me out. In few days i had my credit score raised to 799 with everything cleaned up I had a bet with my friend i was going to reveal the hacker to the world if he should fix my credit perfectly which they did. You can get in touch with him via TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM OR CALL +1 (424) 307 4562 for your credit issues, they also remove the criminal background from my public record. All thanks to TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR COMPANY.

por Darrin Adams, 12/29/21
Hello season greetings friends. My name is Darrin Adams. I know lot of us must have fallen for different rippers I was a victim, I lost my whole savings and even got into debt because i needed to fix my credit report These scammer took advantage of me, it got worst to the extent i had to open up to my friend at the office. So he referred TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR to me I contacted them and asked if they could get my credit report fixed they said yes I explained to them about the issues relating to my report and after that he collected some info about me and within 7 days. They did a massive job on my credit report i can proudly say my life has really change, my advice to you out there whom might have lost cash to these faker hackers to stop and go for the best. Hit them up now TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM CALL +1 (424) 307 4562 and be happy. You can count on them.

Credit Redeemer
por Diana Dudley, 09/06/21
I love this company called Trovian Credit Repair i was scared to start because i was in the middle of preparing for surgery to have my first baby and seen a post with this company from one of the nurse about helping people repair their credit I text them immediately, they have the best experience in fixing credit. My score rise tremendously after they removed the student loans bankruptcy medical bills tax liens car repos i was so amaze with my current credit profile my score went up to 805 and my surgery went successful. All thanks to the TROVIAN TEAMS. Contact them if you need help as well through their details. TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or text (505) 926 3648.God bless you all.

Best Credit Repair Services
por Jeffrey Albert, 08/31/21
I have been on a bad credit my whole life (48 years) due to bad or stupid choices on my part, my credit was somewhere near 560. My girlfriend and I decided to buy a house but when we went to see a mortgage broker she told us it would be impossible to get a mortgage with my credit score and referred me to this company (TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR) I called them that same day and they are very professional and insured me they could help me, well in less than 6days later my credit score went up to 800 they also cleaned up my report including the bankruptcy WOW....these guys are ROCKY. Contact them now for reliable credit repairs: TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or call +1 505 926 3648. My girlfriend and I are now happy home owners.....

por Louis Randy, 08/29/21
Words enough can’t express how I feel I came in contact with rootkits credit specialist, I decided to contact rootkits when I was going through hard times and couldn’t fix my bad credit on time and I’ve been cheated by group of people who called themselves hacker! I contacted (rootkitscreditspecialist@gmail.com) and explained my story to them and didn’t hesitate to assist me in fixing my credit, my credit score was about 550, 2 negative items and auto insurance late payment. They helped me delete those negative items on my credit report and also increased my credit score 803 excellent credit score within 9 days. I will advise you all to get to rootkits credit specialist if you have any credit issues. They have team of experts and they are the best company for the job. You can also contact them via: +1 760 474 3440.

Credit Gurus
por Jerry Williams, 08/24/21
Several years ago I had a lot of things go bad in my life and I was over whelmed and in Debt, I struggled living week to week. I paid what I could and ignored my credit report HUGE MISTAKE. Thanks to TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR whom I found on a credit blog, they worked together to build up my credit report. It's hard to find a company who can fix your credit and paid off your debt but Trovian did that, they cleared everything on my report and most of all they inspires me with a wonderful score of 803 and turned my life around and gave me a better life. So you can as well hit them up for credit solutions through their contact details TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM 505 926 3648. Thank you Trovians you guys are the best...

por Bruce Carlos, 08/21/21
I have never been so happy like I’m today. I contacted rootkits credit specialist after a good review from her past clients and I never regretted my actions. I was having 561 (TransUnion) 492 (Equifax) 447 (Experian) with 3 negative items, credit card debt and $26k student loan. His team was able to get my credit restored to 814 excellent credit score across the 3-credit bureau within 11days. I got all negative items removed, credit card debt was taken care off and my $26k student loan were cleared. I recommend his service if you are looking to get impressive result on credit repair. They are professional and very much effective at what they do. You can contact them via: rootkitscreditspecialist@gmail.com Text +1 760 474 3440. Cheers

por Gianna Grayson, 08/14/21
Rootkits credit specialist is the best credit repair company I have used so far, my first feel of their service is a recommendable experience; I wasn’t charged outrageous fee on getting my credit score unlike other credit repair company, a friend recommended this to me when she got her first truck after they fixed her credit report, I embraced the idea of no outrageous fee, I had credit challenges back then and thought it wasn’t possible, but I got it all thanks to this company, before this I went to several credit repair company but it wasn’t possible until I found the right one, thanks for existing for people like me, I strongly recommend rootkits credit specialist. … (+1 760 474 3440) or their email via: rootkitscreditspecialist@gmail.com .

por Coleman Justin, 08/13/21
I personally only had 2 things to be removed off my credit report, as I see some people had good reviews about TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR, I don't see how unless they were made up. Mine was simple because I had couple of things that needs to be removed I was concern about my credit, so I contacted Trovian Teams and they understand my concerns about my credit issues and went ahead with the repairing process in less than 5days the credit bureaus stated they have validated the correction on my credit files with a high score, the issues I needed removed and I got approved for my first home purchase. They are good in fixing credit issues and I will like everyone out there to contact them now TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM/ +1 (505) 926 3648.

por Isabella Brian, 08/10/21
We have two types of hackers out there, those that will scam you and the legit hackers who do the real business, read good reviews about them after a friend mentioned this to me I trusted this company that made it happen, boost my FICO score to 798 excellent score, due to my present medical condition that cost me weekly, I got setback on payments owing to medical bills, with couple of inquiries and CHEX system, very happy I found this hacker who proved to those BS out there who just scam people and go on exile after they got paid for job they know they can’t do, met ROOTKITS CREDIT SPECIALIST through a friend who referred me to where he read good recommendations about this Guru. They raised my credit score within 17days and restored my financial stability. I was able to get a loan and pay for a home. You can contact them via: rootkitscreditspecialist@gmail.com / +1 760 474 3440.

Rebuild Credit Report
por Douglas Keener, 08/09/21
Hacknet Credit Specialist did not only helped me with repairing my credit report, he walked me through each step and provided me the proper guidance. My score improved from 515 to 799 in all bureaus. He wiped out all the collections, eviction, medical bills, car repo and cleared all my credit card debts. I had always heard negative things about credit repair companies but HACKNET and his Team put all of my worries to rest. I greatly appreciate all of your works and would highly recommend him to those who might need his services to hit him up via HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM +1 (949) 397 8437. Cheer!!

por Logan David, 08/07/21
Most times when people complain of what they go through due to bad or low credit score people who are better off do not understand. I have been there and I can tell you that it’s not funny at all. Banks denied me a lot of things with the excuses that my credit history did not meet their standard, because my credit score was 567 fico score, 7 negative items with credit card debt of $15, 000k. I did a lot of things but nothing worked. ROOTKITS CREDIT SPECIALIST came through for me and increased my credit score to 815, deleted the 7 negative items on my profile and cleared my credit card debt. If you need a hacker to help you fix your credit issues within 18days rootkits credit specialist is good to go. They are always straight to point. They will get the job as quick as possible. Email: rootkitscreditspecialist@gmail.com / +1 760 474 3440.

Excellent Credit score
por Diana Stolly, 08/06/21
I had a bad credit score with multiple late payments that I tried so hard to clear off my report for three years and also with Ford Motors Acceptance Corporation. I tried to use the service of different companies but none was successful till I stumbled some good reviews of 760PLUS CREDIT SCORE whom I contacted and he made my expectations come through for me by clearing off all negatives on my report and boosting my score from 590 to 802 excellent plus, I was really amazed with job service. Hence, I decided to put his contact out there for anyone with credit score issues. Reach him on 760pluscreditscore at gmail dot com or call 304 774 5902, You surely will thank me.

Credit Score
por Mary Maldris, 08/05/21
I went through a divorce with my husband and I was in a terrible situation that I urgently needed to repair my credit. I was able to find a hacker called 760PLUS CREDIT SCORE on a credit forum website and also recommended on CK and CU. He help me raised my credit score back to excellent score and he cleaned up my criminal records and added a positive trade line on my credit report before 12 days. Thank you TEAM 760PLUS i wonder how my life would’ve been if I didn't contact him, trust me they are really saving lives reach them now on 760pluscreditscore@gmail.com Text 304 774 5902.

por Olivia Liam, 08/05/21
I remember in 2020 having so many account collections and would not approve for anything. I had rental debt, charge offs student loan and tax liens on my credit report, My FICO score was at 519. I was then introduced to rootkitscreditspecialist@gmail.com or Text +1 760 474 3440. by Mr. stone my childhood friend after they’ve changed, he’s life by correcting he’s credit profile, because he was having bad credit profile. Within few days my score was raised to 802 and I’m able to get a home loan and eligible for several credit cards. I will always recommend ROOTKITS CREDIT SPECIALIST to anyone who desire to have a better credit life.

por JESSE PETER, 08/04/21
Hello my name is Jesse Peter, Last three weeks ago l applied for a loan to boost up my business l was rejected, because I had a low credit profile 445, I almost lost with no hope until l met a friend i explained my problems to him and he told me not to worried about it, his going to link me to a professional hacker called SKYPLUS760 CREDIT SOLUTION who helped him fix his credit. I had no choice and l decided to give him a benefit of thought and he helped me boost my credit score to 807 excellent score and removed all negative items on my profile. I had a bet with my friend l was going to reveal the hacker to the world if he should fix my credit score. I recommend you contact him for any kind of credit issue. He is the best among all. Contact him via SKYPLUS760 CREDIT SOLUTION AT GMAIL DOT COM Give him a try you could be the next to share your own testimony to the world as well. And thank me later….Cheers!

por Billy Louis, 08/03/21
The aftermath of my encounter with TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR will be agelessly appreciated after checking an updated copy of my credit report and seeing that my score has moved drastically from 504 to 810 and all negative entries bank judgment, student loans, collections. What a great services from TROVIANS who I contacted on TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or text them via 505 926 3648. Please do well to reach them out if you need their assistants as well. Thanks

por Charlotte James, 08/03/21
Hi Guys, let’s talk about the FICO score: the 3-digit number that determines your quality of life no matter your status. Well earlier 2020 I had bad credit score of 571, charge offs and 4 negative items. I would often surf the net searching for real hacker that could help me increase my credit score. Well as expected I got swindled twice. Eventually, I gave up my search and concluded that it’s not possible to get a good hacker to increase credit score. The good news today is that I read on Trulia about ROOTKITS CREDIT SPECIALIST. Very worried and skeptical at first but I decided to give it a try. To my greatest surprise ROOTKITS CREDIT SPECIALIST was able to boost my credit score to 810 across the 3-credit bureau, not only that they also removed charge off and deleted the 4 negative items and also added positive remarks within 15days. If you have bad credit profile, you can Contact them via: rootkitscreditspecialist@gmail.com / +1 760 474 3440.

Credit Hack(Fix)
por Betty Howard, 08/01/21
Unbelievable! We finally secured a loan, got a house, a car and our medical bills have just been settled with ease. My husband and I are super excited. All thanks to METRONET CREDIT SOLUTION a trusted and reliable hacking specialist. We were in so much debt and my credit report was very bad. I had a poor credit score (541) and so many negative items. I read a positive review about their services on Disqus. I contacted them and they helped me remove all derogatory, hard injuries, evictions, late payments from my husband’s credit report and also increased his credit score from 541 to 792, and are currently working on mine. I can’t stop appreciating you guys. I strongly recommend them to anyone looking for a professional hacker, these guys are good. Here is their contact: metronetcreditsolution@gmail.com / +1.205.518.3032. Thank me later.

Fix Credit
por Frank Walker, 07/29/21
Need Credit Repair Help? Then contact (Troviancreditrepair@gmail.com +1(505) 926 3648). Their services are excellent they will help remove all negative items, foreclosure, tax liens, bankruptcy criminal records, DMV, credit card debts, late payments and loans. I’m a living testimony of their great services and I’m also recommending them to people out there you might desperately in need of credit help to as well hit them up and get a better credit report.

por Gary Jason, 07/25/21
Rootkits credit specialist is an awesome company and offers very good services. I was having a horrible credit profile last year, before I came across rootkits credit specialist, I was having $30,000 credit card debt, 7 criminal charges and student loan which brought down my FICO score to 473. Rootkits credit specialist helped me delete my criminal charges and student loan, cleared my credit card debt on my credit report, within 6days my FICO score got raised to 803. Very highly I recommend to everyone who want their credit to be fixed. Very reasonable price and this company charge one time to fix credit. Their charge is worth it. You can always write to them via: rootkitscreditspecialist@gmail.com or Text +1 760 474 3440.

por Jordan Holland, 07/22/21
I was nervous at first with working with TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR but now I am superb happy that I gave them a chance, this company is the best and I will recommend anyone to contact TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM/ or text them on 505 926-3648 if there needing to get your credit fix. They cleaned up all bad items relating to my report and gave me an excellent credit profile with a good credit score of 810 and I got my mortgage approved. Thanks Trovians again for everything. You guys are Great indeed.

por Denice Smith, 07/21/21
Hi, contact rootkitscreditspecialist@gmail.com or +1 760 474 3440. I was suffering with issues of low credit score. I had credit score of 505 (TransUnion), 500 (Equifax), 494 (Experian) in May. I applied for a loan but was not approved because of my low FICO scores. No company agreed to employ me. They said I needed a good score of (700-800) before I could access anything. I was desperate in need to boost my score, because I had to do a surgery at then. I had seen some wonderful recommendation of rootkits credit specialist on google, how they helped lives by raising peoples score, clearing credit card debt and removing eviction. I decided to give them a shot. In summary, they fixed my FICO score to 809 across the 3-credit bureau within 6days and I was approved after I pulled my new credit score. I still have my score at 805 because it’s a permanent fix. I’m so happy I found this hacker and I will recommend them to anyone in need of their services.

Rebuild Credit Profile
por Angela Ruben, 07/19/21
Greeting’s everyone my name is Angela from New Jersey I was in the hospital few months back after a terrific accident. When I came back I found out that my score has drowned down to 470 due to the medical bills and collections. I was surprised because I pay my bills on time, this made me not to get approved for the loan I applied for and I was desperately in need of it, So I sort out on the internet for a solution then I saw some good reviews about a credit Guru called HACKNET. I contacted him and told him about my credit report, if there is any hope of getting this done and he said yes and went ahead with the job. I was surprised when I got notification from Experian that changes has been made on my credit report in just less than 6days that he started the job. If you need solutions regarding your credit issues please contact him via: Email: HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM PHONE: +1 (949) 397 8437

Credit Rebuild
por Harry O'Neill , 07/07/21
Sometime last month, I was reading an article on medium and I came across a comment about a group of Hackers (Metronet Credit Solution) who could increase credit score to 750 and above, it caught my attention because I had a very poor credit score, I needed a car for my family and a better house too. But I couldn’t because my credit was in shambles, so contacted them for fix, and they helped me fix my credit. They cleared the negative reports, and increased my score. They did all these in less than 13 days. I never thought this was possible, you can reach out to them via; EMAIL: metronetcreditsolution@gmail.com/ PHONE: 205 518 3032. Thank me later.

por Terrence Howard, 07/03/21
Hello, I came to TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR for help because I’m buying my dream home this year and I wanted my credit to be great before I purchased. So far, it’s been great, in just less than 6days.I received an email stating that changes has been made on my credit profile. I checked my scores and my Experian went up 120points, Transunion-110points, and Equifax 130points. This is just the beginning and I’m already seeing more good results. They cleared all collections, bank judgment, debts, medical bills and late payments. I would definitely recommend TROVIAN to anyone who is looking to get their credit in order to reach them with their contact details TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or text (505) 926 3648 for a better credit report. Thanks

credit repair
por Frank Wilson, 06/27/21
I was unable to refinanced my home due to my bad credit report that gave me restless mind I had to send my family to stay with my sister, while I look for solution to my problems. I had late payment bankruptcy student loans tax liens some collections, 3 closed accounts and lot of inquires all these toke me time to work on but when I got in touch with TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM 505 926 3648 from an old friend of mine they did a marvelous work on my credit I couldn’t believe it until I got a mail from Experian regarding changes on my report and when I checked my creditkarma everything was totally cleaned up it toke them just 96hours to fix my credit, I got a new job and also bought a home of my choice brought my family back I also got approved for the Capital One card. All thanks to Trovian. You can as well reach them with the above info if you need your credit to be fixed. They’re the best

Credit Repair
por Wilson Scott, 06/23/21
We wanted to buy a car, but we found out that my credit score was really low to do anything. I had about 13 cards in collections. One was a medical bill I guess. We hired Cyber Don to assist me with my credit. In 9 days, he raised my score to 797, took care of all collection cards and added a seasoned line of credit. We got the new car ASAP. Cyber Don is a sweetheart, you can hire him too;C Y B E R D O N @ T E C H I E . C O M.

Excellent Credit Repairs
por Jerry Freeman, 06/18/21
My score was 504 in all bureaus as you can see I cannot get anything at all due to being immature just few months back. I had a few negatives; I had an IVA, with some loans and also credit cards debts. I went online and found this credit company called TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR on a Google search with no doubt I mailed them via TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or (505) 926-3648. After 6days they deleted the negative items on my credit report I got relief from all debts and loans my score increased to 798 excellent making me the happiest man I also got qualified for my home purchase. God bless Trovians and their entire Team of specialist. I strongly recommend them for you out there if have any similar issues.

por Stephanie Measner, 05/21/21
ROOTKITS CREDIT SPECIALIST has done a great job. I worked with many credit companies that made promises to restore my credit score but never made this happen, it was just nightmare “BIG MISTAKE”. All thanks to ROOTKITS CREDIT SPECIALIST. They raise my credit score in 9days, I was skeptical, but gave them a try. Rootkits credit specialist was professional and kept me informed in every step just to calm me down because I didn’t want to lose a dime to these scammers anymore. I was astonished when he asked me to check credit score again, to my greatest surprise my score has been raised to 801, eviction, bankruptcy, credit card loan cleared. 5 STARS to this company for excellent score. Contact them via: rootkitscreditspecialist @ gmail . com / call 760 474 3440

Credit Fix
por Mark Davis, 05/18/21
FixMyCredit (David) was such a pleasure to work with.  He was professional with a friendly warm attitude. He worked on my credit report for 2 weeks and asked me to go online again to check the current situation of my profile. Surprisingly I checked and he has boosted my score to a high 803 with beautiful lines of credit. No question was too small. He kept us updated at all times. The process was smooth and stressless.  I would definitely recommend: fixmycredit  AT  writeme  DOT  com

Credit Repair
por Niran Paul, 05/18/21
Be careful of who you contact to help you hack any information, Some still threaten you just to collect more money!! I am grateful to Cyber Master Fix for the help, If you're desperately in need of an expert, I can vouch for him!! He does Grade change, Credit score change, Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Erase Criminal records and hack any social media accounts. Contact him via C Y B E R M A S TE R F I X 1 0 1 @ G M A I L . C O M

por REBECCA WALKER, 05/18/21
I’m Walker Rebecca from Georgia I had a credit score of 320(Transunion)410(Equifax) in January. I applied for a surgery loan in March and was not approved because of my low FICO score. I contacted my loan officer and he told me that I need a score of 700-805 to get qualified for the loan and I was desperately in need to get my score boost because I had to do the surgery at that time. I began to search the internet for a good credit specialist to help me fix my report. Then I saw a wonderful recommendations of a good credit agencies on the internet called ROOTKITS CREDIT SPECIALIST so I contacted them they promise to finish my work within 9days of work, but they exceeded to 14days of work, the most significant thing is mine has been raised to 805 across all 3 bureaus and they also added affirmative tradeline, my loan has approved within a week I still have my score at 800 because it’s a permanent hack. I’m so happy I found this credit Agency and I will recommend them to anyone out there who is greatly in for their services as well contact via : rookitscreditspecialist @ gmail . com and call: 760 474 3440.

por Lucy Rickson, 05/16/21
Hello everyone my recommendation goes to TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIRS for what they have done for me I wouldn’t have believe that I will bounces back with a wonderful credit profile, I got an terrific accident that almost toke my life I was hospitalize for months not realizing that all those affected my credit report with a lot of bills I couldn’t bear with so I went ahead to look for help there I found the contacts of TROVIANS from an old friend of mine with good review so I went ahead with mine and to my greatest surprise they cleared all medical bills phone bill Tax Liens Bankruptcy and utility bills also gave me a perfect score of 810 with good Tradelines. In case you need to contact them now here are the contact info TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM/ (505) 926 3648. Reach them out for credit solutions.

Credit Fix
por Erika Dewayne, 05/16/21
I have tried to apply for a credit card last week as I turned 18 last Wednesday but I could not seem to get one. I went online and checked my credit rating and it states that I had a bad credit rating so I need a credit help asap. I went back online to sort for a credit company to help me boost my score and add a tradeline so I can be qualified for a credit card. To cut the long story short, I contacted ( fixmycredit @ w r i t e m e . com) and they worked on my credit report for 2 weeks and asked me to go online again to check the current situation of my profile. Surprisingly I checked and they have raised my score to a high 790 with beautiful lines of credit. I quickly applied for a credit card again and I was approved instantly, thanks to them. feel free to reach out to them if you need credit help.

por Heffner Dalgarn, 05/14/21
Hey I’m Heffner Dalgarno a truck driver here in Florida, I contacted ROOTKITS CREDIT SPECIALIST after my truck broke down and I just needed a loan to get a new truck. Darwin spoke so much about ROOTKITS and I didn’t have any doubt than to work with him. Few days after I made some financial commitment ROOTKITS increased my Vantage score to 780 and MY FICO score to 800 respectively. He also added some positive tradelines and cleared the negative reports from my credit. He went ahead to establish a very good business line of credit for me, which gave me access to huge loan. You can contact ROOTKITS via rootkitscreditspecialist @ gmail . com or 760 474 3440. Let him know Heffner referred you.

Credit Help
por Harry Webber , 05/11/21
Are you experiencing Credit related problems? Having trouble Renting? Trying to buy a home, a car, or even get a credit card and getting denied? Cyber Don, a Private Credit Repair Contractor understands the frustration of dealing with poor Credit History.  With Core Values of Transparency, Honesty, and Hard Work. Those values, along with a great Expertise and Professionalism, he has helped countless Clients improve their Credit score and they finally Qualified for a new Home, Car, Credit Card, or just experience the benefits of having great Credit! Cyber Don has deleted inaccuracies on Credit Reports ranging from Inquiries to Medical Bills; Charge Offs to Collections; Foreclosures to Bankruptcies and everything in between. Text or Mail him at 1-251-313-3691/ CyberDon @ Techie  .  Com for a Free, No-pressure Consultation on what Cyber Don can do for you. COUPLE OR MILITARY - AT DISCOUNTED RATE!!! You deserve to have better Credit, Cyber Don is here to help you get there.do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers.

Credit Fix
por Mark Jefferson, 05/11/21
I needed to buy a home and a new car but I got denied when I tried getting a loan because I had a low credit score and some negative items. A colleague introduced me to a credit repair expertise (fix my credit @ WriteMe dot Com). I hired them for a credit repair process. They removed all negative items and raised my score from 587 to 789 in a couple of days. I got the house and the car in 3 weeks and all thanks to them. You can contact them with the above mail address for credit repair help.    

Credit Repair
por Kira Jane Brown, 05/06/21
Gratitude is a must you hardly find someone to Trust I was down with a low credit profile which had me losing my house, got robbed last year while trying to fix my credit. My name is Jane Kira a single mother trying to get a prefect home for me and my kids and starting a business of my own. After a month ago I was robbed by some imposters who stole from me all in the name of fixing my credit I later found about Rock Base on CK where I read review how he fixed a lady’s credit with an excellent score. I was to know how true this was I contacted Rock and asked for more info and proof of competency to which was satisfactory. I provided the required info for the process and just in 7 days my credit is good and excellent. I advice You all with bad credit that needs help should contact Rockbase at protinmail dot mail; (972)-449-1968and restore your credit today cheers!!!

Credit Repair
por Kira Jane Brown, 05/06/21
Gratitude is a must you hardly find someone to Trust I was down with a low credit profile which had me losing my house, got robbed last year while trying to fix my credit. My name is Jane Kira a single mother trying to get a prefect home for me and my kids and starting a business of my own. After a month ago I was robbed by some imposters who stole from me all in the name of fixing my credit I later found about Rock Base on CK where I read review how he fixed a lady’s credit with an excellent score. I was to know how true this was I contacted Rock and asked for more info and proof of competency to which was satisfactory. I provided the required info for the process and just in 7 days my credit is good and excellent. I advice You all with bad credit that needs help should contact Rockbase at protinmail dot mail; (972)-449-1968and restore your credit today cheers!!!

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